Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Top Five Tools I Use For Refurbishing Furniture

There are a couple of tools I use on a regular basis when I am working on any project. These are the most useful tools and important ones that anyone should have when working on refurbishing furniture.
Craftsman Mouse Sander

The main tool I suggest everyone should own is a hand sander and I believe it's the best thing to have. A hand sander allows you take less time, than just using a piece of sand paper. One will still need sand paper or a sand block for the fine details, but a hand sander is very useful. I personally own a craftsman mouse and have found out that it doesn't matter if I purchase a different brand of sandpaper, but just find one that is meant for a mouse sander.

Also, one should have a really good paint stripper. Right now I have EZ Strip Paint Remover. You just have to spray it on the piece of furniture (instead of somewhat painting it on) and let it sit for fifteen to twenty minutes and scrape it off. It does wonders when it comes to paint removal, but you might have to use it twice in some spots.

37 Piece Ratchet and Screw Set

I also have a set of screw drivers that has all different ratchets and bits for it. It's very resourceful to have just incase if one needs to take apart a piece of furniture, so you have all in one screw driver instead of trying to find a billion different tools. I have already had to use it on my bench to take it apart and put it back together with all new hardware. I believe I got this at Walmart for like ten bucks or something like that.

Another thing you will need to have, if you are painting furniture is the best set of paint brushes and rollers. I have found out that if you use the cheaper brands, they start to fall apart easily after one use or leave different streaks on the pieces. I personally try to find Purdy brand for rollers and brushes. They have the best reviews from everyone and most workers at any home repair shop has recommended them.

The last thing I would recommend is that if you are planning on doing any upholstering, you should purchase a good staple gun. I was able to take one from my father, since he has four staple guns for some unknown reason. I think I might be able to go through all of his tools and take any thing that he has in multiples that I think I would use to refurbish furniture. But now let's get back to the staple gun, I typically have used a 3/8th inch staple because they are a little bit smaller and able to get around the award corners for any piece of furniture.

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