Saturday, June 13, 2015

What happens at your first flea market

So last weekend I finally went to my first flea market to sell my furniture. Well things didn't go great, but I still was able to sell a few small things. When you are going to a flea market, but don't really know what sells in the area, everything can be up in the air on how it will turn out.

Before you want to start selling your pieces, you might want to create a business card. I have had many people ask for them and I didn't have any. It is the best thing to have when you are trying to promote you. Also I would suggest getting a credit card reader, like a square, which will allow people to pay with cash or credit.

When the time comes that you want to sell at a flea market, the first thing I look for is the cost for a small area. I feel that if is very cheap to sell at the local flea market you should try it out if you have never been to it because if you didn't sell anything then you only lost that small amount. I went to the Germantown Flea Market, which it only cost $20 for two parking spots. That was a great price for me because most of this area for flea markets, it can get up to $70 to $80 for a small area to sell. If the cost for a spot is quite a bit, I would suggest to go to it and see whats there and how much items cost in order to know what the competition is or if it fits with what you are trying to sell. Personally I think its best to find out the areas that you should not go to, so you don't waste time or money at those places.

Once you find your flea market that you are going to, the best thing to do is to promote your items. This could be by posting on craigslist, on your website or mentioning it on your social media pages. Doing this might get some people come to look at your items and possibly purchase them.

On the day of the flea market, try to get their as early as possible. Most places allow the vendors to pick the spot where they are at. The best places are around the edges or at or near the front of the flea market. Some people will only walk around the outside edge of the flea market. But don't worry about  people coming to your area, since vendors will shop around after they are done setting up. This is also your best time to see the best things that they have. One main thing when you are setting up, always have a sign for who you are to peak people's interest.

Some flea markets you might not sell much or almost everything you have, it just depends on the day. It will take some time before you find your perfect flea market and have people remembering who you are and what you do.

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