Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Top Five Places To Find Restorable Furniture

Recently I have been asked where do I find all of the pieces I have worked on, of which there are five places that I look at on a regular occasion. There are so many different ways on going to find furniture to makeover your home and I thought I should share my places with you. You may never know, there might be a place you never thought of yet.

1. Thrift Stores-  For the area I live in, which is near the Washington D.C. area, there is Salvation Army, Goodwill, any church thrift store, etc. Depending on where you go, prices for furniture may vary from being amazing bargains to outrageous prices. I try to not pay a lot for a piece here, unless its really nice piece that will add a lot value. 

2. Friends And Family- These are the people who will be willing to help you out in your endeavor. Once some of my family members found out that I was refurbishing furniture and saw the work that I have done, they started to bring items for me to work on. You never know when someone is downsizing or wanting to get rid of little pieces that they didn't need anymore. Just let everyone you know what you're doing and you will never know who would like something restored. 

3. Yard Sales- There are so many yard sales in this area during the spring and summertime and you can find so many treasures at bargain prices. Even in this area there are community yard sales so numerous houses in the area are selling items. Many people are willing to bargain with you because they want to get rid of their items and don't want to pack up their items at the end of the day. The best time to go to them are when they start, since there are better finds, but if you go later in the day you can always get cheaper prices. In my neighborhood I found numerous items for free because the people just wanted to get rid of them. Always check your local paper in the classifieds or online for the yard sales of the week.

4. Classifieds- So there are many different ways to find things, either in your classifieds in your paper or on different types of classifieds online, like Craigslist or eBay. With some of these you can just pick up items for free because they just want it off of there property. This can be a good or a bad thing. I suggest if you go to someone's place to pick up an item always take a friend with you because you don't know who you are meeting. But if you go the route of choosing to just look through eBay always read the description and hope that there are a lot of pictures so you have a general idea of what it will be. You can get items super cheap because you can start bidding at a dollar and just do small increments. 

5. Your Own Home- Sometimes you have furniture that is right under your nose, which you might want to fix. I have a few items of my own that I want to fix, but I have to wait until I am done with projects in lined to be fixed. I have gone through the basement and found a bunch of antique frames that my great grandparents had and I would love to fix them up to use them in my own home. 

I hope these resources were helpful and I would love to hear about different resources you use to find your restorable pieces. 

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